Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET)


Nambudripad's allergy elimination techniques, also known as NAET, is a noninvasive, drug-free, natural solution to eliminate allergies of all types and intensities. NAET uses a blend of selective testing and treatment procedures, including acupuncture, acupressure, allopathy, chiropractic, kinesiology, and nutritional disciplines. NAET was first developed by Dr. Devi Nambudripad. Dr. Devi herself suffered from severe infantile eczema when she was a toddler and continued to suffer from bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, migraines, and extreme fatigue. She also had allergies to many foods. It was determined that she could eat only white rice and broccoli without feeling sick.  

One day, she returned home from chiropractic and acupuncture classes and found she was out of prepared rice. She started cutting up a carrot for her child while her rice was cooking. She absentmindedly tossed a piece of carrot into her mouth. She started to feel sick almost immediately and sat down. She had her husband help her by placing acupuncture needles into certain acupuncture points. She fell asleep during the treatment, not realizing she had a piece of carrot stuck to her arm. Dr. Devi said later, “After receiving the acupuncture treatment while holding a carrot, I noticed a change in the relationship between my body and carrots. Usually I would wake up with pain, but this time I felt a resurgence of energy that was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. From this discovery, through trial and error, we developed the current treatment style that uses Eastern theoretical medicine and chiropractic theory.”

How NAET Works

Chinese and chiropractic medicine believe that the body communicates with itself through energy. In chiropractic medicine, that communication is transferred through the flow of energy through nerves. In Chinese medicine, that energy flows through the body via 12 main meridians. This flow of energy creates an electromagnetic field. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Have I put you to sleep yet? Let's make this easier to understand. I remember being introduced to magnets back in elementary school. The teacher pulled out two big, huge bar magnets with the letters and stamped into opposite ends. I remember her showing us how if she started to push the side of one magnet toward the side of the other, when they got close enough they shot together. The ends of the magnet were aligned such that they could coexist happily. She then separated the magnets and pushed the side of one magnet toward the side of the other. As she got the two magnets close enough, the magnet not held in her hand shot away from the approaching magnet. The ends of the magnets were antagonistic to each other. Magnets are nothing more than electromagnetic fields. Energy flows from one end of the magnet and then around the outside of the magnet to the other end, creating one consistent flow of energy. Everything on earth has an electromagnetic field: foods, pollen, hormones, neurotransmitters, animals, grass, trees, insects, anything you can think of. If your body is one huge magnet with a large stamped on it and your puppy is a huge magnet with a large stamped on it, when your puppy runs up to give you kisses all you feel is joy.  However, if your body is one huge magnet with a large stamped on it and your puppy is a huge magnet with a large stamped on it, when your puppy runs up to give you kisses you may start to sneeze, cough, itch, have a difficulty breathing, get a rash, or experience a host of other possible symptoms. This response by your body is its way of trying to protect you. Your body is constantly dealing with these kinds of reactions throughout your entire life. 

What is an Allergy?

An allergy is a condition of unusual sensitivity of someone toward one or more substances from that individual’s living environment, which may be harmless or even beneficial to a majority of other individuals. In other words, an allergy is an energy imbalance between the electromagnetic energy of the person and the substance, causing an unpleasant physical, physiological, and or psychological reaction in the person’s body. Magnets come in all levels of strength. I have a few magnets on my fridge at home that are so weak that walking by them seems to make them fall off the fridge. I have other magnets on there that it feels like it would take Ironman to remove them. Just like magnets, allergies come in all strengths and sizes. They may be as small as a mild sensitivity or intolerance that you may not even know bothers you. There can be moderate to severe sensitivity or intolerance that wipes your body out.  There are allergies that trigger immune responses by releasing immunoglobulins like IgE and IgG. These can be as mild as a runny nose or sneeze or as severe as an anaphylactic reaction that puts you in a fight for your life.

There are a wide range of things that can interact with the body's energy and cause allergies. These include food, drinks, things you breathe, things you wear, things you touch, medicines, things you see, things you hear, infections, places, people, genetics, mold, emotions, etc. The list is too long to write down. Dr. Devi, being funny during a seminar, said you can be allergic to "anything under the sun, including the sun."

Your body is constantly processing everything around it. It is determining if it is in the presence of something “safe” or “not safe.”   Normally the "not safe" category should include viruses and bacteria and not much else.  When the body incorrectly labels something as "not safe," NAET calls it an allergen. 

Treating an Allergen

Treating an allergen with NAET allows the body to move the item into the "safe" category, thus eliminating the allergy. 

For the treatment, you hold a sample of the item or a homeopathic energy sample for the allergen in your hand. Kinesiology muscle testing is used to determine your body's response and the specific meridians affected by the presence of the allergen. Once an allergen is determined, I treat it  by applying pressure to certain spinal nerves. In essence, as you are holding the allergen, I press the reset switch on your body's nervous system. Following the reset of the nervous system, specific meridian points are massaged to reenforce the new message and promote increased flow of energy through the body’s meridians. Once the treatment is finished the patient needs to avoid the treated item for a minimum of 25 hours to allow the body to fully accept the treatment and to allow the new message to flow through the body's 12 main meridians. Reprogramming the body’s response has the advantage of being a fast therapy. It is far easier and quicker to reprogram the way the body responds to a substance than to desensitize the body through monthly injections or daily homeopathic tinctures. NAET has the additional advantage of being able to help treat any category of allergy, whether it is food, pollen, chemicals, fabrics, or animals.

NAET treatments can be received by anyone of any age or health status. It can be performed on infants, the elderly, pregnant women, and pets. NAET also aims to fundamentally improve your physical condition, rather than just treating your current symptoms. Therefore, we start by looking at the basic nutrients that we consume every day. If someone can desensitize these 17  basic nutrient groups and their individual components, most people can reclaim 70 to 80 percent of their health.

What are some of the symptoms of an allergy that are commonly relieved by NAET?

NAET treats not only traditional allergy symptoms such as cough, runny nose, sneezing, hives, asthma, itching, headache, dry eyes, and hay fever, but also symptoms not commonly associated with a traditional allergy. These symptoms can be caused by a sensitivity or intolerance to something. Some of these symptoms may be pain, numbness, dizziness, insomnia, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, ear infections, eczema, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, nose bleeds, anemia, bedwetting, hair loss, panic, depression, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, autism, hypersensitivity, and so much more.  If you would like to know what NAET can do for your health, please contact our office for a free consultation. 

Additional Resources:


Say Goodbye to Illness, Third Edition, by Devi Nambudripad MD, DC, LAc, PHD (Acu)

Naet: Say Good-Bye To Your Allergies, by Devi Nambudripad MD, DC, LAc, PHD (Acu)

Say Good-bye to Allergy-related Autism, by Devi Nambudripad MD, DC, LAc, PHD (Acu)

Eliminate Your Pet's Allergies, by Devi Nambudripad MD, DC, LAc, PHD (Acu)


YouTube: Official NAET Channel


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Washington, UT 84780



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